Members-only Data & Insights 4 Metrics you’ll learn and leverage thanks to the SaaS Metrics Summit In anticipation of the big day here are 4 metrics you’ll know like the back of your hand by the end of the summit, and learn how to leverage to drive growth....
Members-only Customer Success How to use deep listening for customer success I think we can all agree that poor customer service is a universal experience, but how do we learn from this, to ensure our customers don’t fall victim to the same failures? By practicing deep listening....
Members-only Data & Insights A beginner's guide to customer acquisition Objectives and key results (OKRs) are a pretty common talking point in the SaaS industry and in our Slack community, week in, week out, we see members asking how they should, or could, measure their performance. Hence our article here today....
Members-only Customer Success The customer journey: from onboarding to alignment [Q&A with Simpo] Max Smith-Gee, Head of Customer Success at Simpo took the time to answer some burning questions on everything from onboarding to aligning the sales process to customer journeys....
Members-only Customer Success 5 ways to build a strong relationship with your customers There are several strategies for retaining customers (many of which we’ve written about) that can help transform your bottom line, but today we’re going to focus solely on the importance of building lasting relationships with your customers....