A key factor in SaaS growth: sustainability. You have to be able to use your resources efficiently so that you don’t find yourself stumbling on your way to profitability, and end up making a loss rather than growing. 

An important metric in your growth strategy is the SaaS magic number metric. Here, we’re going to dive into how it can help your business and how you should calculate it. 

What is SaaS magic number? 

The SaaS Magic Number is a handy metric that helps gauge how effectively a SaaS company is turning its sales and marketing efforts into new revenue. In simple terms, it shows how well the company is growing its revenue compared to what it spends on sales and marketing. 

Why is SaaS magic number important? 

The SaaS magic number metric measures the efficiency of your marketing and sales efforts. Here are some of the key factors that can be positively impacted by this metric: 

How effective is your sales and marketing strategy? 

Determining the efficacy of your sales and marketing efforts depends on measuring the cost of your customer acquisition (CAC) versus your overall revenue. If your SaaS magic number metric isn’t up to snuff, it might be time to rethink your marketing strategy. 

Forecasting for the future

By gauging your SaaS magic number metric, you can determine how sustainable your org is, which can give you significant insights into whether your org is set up for future profitability. 

It impresses investors

Gaining investors is more difficult than ever for SaaS companies. But at a bare minimum, investors want to see that your org is set up to generate revenue in the future. A stellar magic number figure can give investors confidence in your organization. 

Gives you an edge over the competition

If your SaaS magic number is high, it indicates that you’re generating more revenue through customer acquisition than it’s costing you in spend. Considering the high level of spend on CAC throughout the industry, this will give you a considerable advantage over your competitors. 

How to calculate SaaS magic number metric

You can calculate your SaaS metric with this very simple formula:

How to interpret SaaS magic number

When interpreting the SaaS Magic Number, a value greater than 1 indicates that the company is efficiently growing, as it's generating more revenue than it's spending on sales and marketing—this is a great sign of strong performance.

If the Magic Number is exactly 1, it means the company is breaking even, balancing its revenue generation with its sales and marketing expenses. However, if the Magic Number is less than 1, it suggests the company isn't as efficient, spending more on sales and marketing than it's bringing in through new revenue, which might mean it's time to rethink their strategy or boost their efficiency.

How to improve your SaaS magic number

There are various strategies you can employ to improve your SaaS magic number metric, including the following:

  • Establish product-market fit: If you're a startup or launching a new product, nail your product-market fit first. When your product truly meets market needs, it converts better, sells better, and retains customers longer. This sets the stage for everything else.
  • Optimize customer retention and upselling: Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity. Keeping and upselling existing customers is often cheaper than chasing new ones. Know your customers well, keep delivering value, and offer stellar support to boost retention and upselling.
  • Level-up marketing strategies: To get the most from your digital marketing, start by evaluating your current channels. Are you using the right ones effectively? Identifying and optimizing these channels can make a big difference.
  • Streamline your sales process: Beyond marketing, fine-tuning your sales process can boost your Magic Number. Focus on shortening the sales cycle, better lead qualification, and effective sales training. Sometimes, small adjustments lead to big gains.
  • Operational efficiency and cost management: Cutting costs without sacrificing quality can improve your Magic Number. Find areas to streamline operations, use resources smartly, and leverage growth hacking tools to enhance efficiency.


What is a good SaaS magic number 

It's a good practice to aim for a high SaaS Magic Number. A value above 0.75 indicates strong performance, while anything below 0.5 suggests inefficiencies in your sales process or business model. If your Magic Number falls between 0.5 and 0.75, consider reallocating resources to different growth areas to improve efficiency.

What is the difference between magic number and CAC payback 

The key difference is that the CAC payback period takes the gross margin into account, while the Magic Number doesn't. This makes the CAC payback period a bit more useful for real analysis because it shows how much of your revenue is left as profit after covering expenses.

How to calculate magic number 

To figure out your SaaS Magic Number, start by subtracting last quarter's recurring revenue from this quarter's. Multiply that result by four to annualize it, then divide by your sales and marketing costs from the previous quarter.