We’re bursting into the new year with a fresh batch of content, hot off the press. 🔥
Stay ahead of your competitors with the newest SaaS trends, find out how to make your product irresistible to customers, and learn how to truly unlock the key to growth. 🔑
We love hearing from our community and giving you a voice - hit reply if you'd like to get involved and contribute to the SaaS space. 👋
Enjoy ✌️
- Emma, Content @Future of SaaS

22 SaaS predictions for 2022
We asked a whole bunch of SaaS movers and shakers about the trends for the coming months and 55% said they're planning to utilize machine learning in 2022.
More on this and other predictions, as we take a look into the future…
*imagine us hunched over a crystal ball with our eyes closed for this part* 🔮
What's gonna be big?
Setting expectations for customer journey
Part of providing a great customer experience lies in managing expectations.
Overpromise and underdeliver, and you may find yourself without repeat custom - and a very damaged reputation. 😬
Consistency is key for customer success, so here are some tips for crushing it.
Map it out
The key to revenue growth
The R word - we explore how to grow it by creating a culture that ensures account retention, renewals and expansion throughout your organization.
How do you achieve this? 🤔
We got the lowdown from Leore Spira, Head of Revenue Operations at Buildots on how full-funnel rev ops can transform your bottom line.
Know how to grow
New this month
Exclusive Content
- Greg Walman, Senior Director of Toast BI | Scaling your data team at SaaS hypergrowth
- Cindy Berman, Product Marketing Manager at Productboard | Pricing and packaging: how high-growth SaaS startups can crack the code

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