Members-only Marketing Making brand marketing more data-driven [AMA] Join us on Wednesday, March 17th for an exclusive AMA with Sharon Biggar, VP of Marketing at Hotjar. She'll answering all of your burning questions on why brand marketing should be more data-driven, so come prepared to find out some exciting insights....
Members-only Product Management Product-led VS sales-led VS marketing-led VS customer-led: What’s the difference? What's the difference between product-led, sales-led, marketing-led, and customer-led growth? We're here with an overview that displays the best approach for your business....
Members-only Marketing Building a bridge between marketing and sales Brenda Harris, Senior Sales Enablement Manager at Oracle gave a brief history of sales enablement and what it entails, before detailing how best to approach sales training...
Members-only Marketing How to nail your product messaging There’s a fine line between mediocrity and greatness, with product messaging continuing to play a pivotal role in customers’ perception of whether a product is awesome, or just ‘OK’....