Members-only Product Management Product-led VS sales-led VS marketing-led VS customer-led: What’s the difference? What's the difference between product-led, sales-led, marketing-led, and customer-led growth? We're here with an overview that displays the best approach for your business....
Members-only Sales Deep dive into outbound sales tactics [Q&A with Woodpecker] Today it’s a real privilege to have Yurii Veremchuk join us, the Head of Business Growth at Woodpecker. He's here to discuss pricing tactics, as well as the world of SaaS....
Members-only Sales 5 ways to build executive sponsorship for effective enablement Stacey Wells Justice gave a fascinating insight into the world of sales enablement from her unique perspective. Having worked in the sales marketing team, she went on to create a new enablement team at Workfront....
Members-only Marketing Building a bridge between marketing and sales Brenda Harris, Senior Sales Enablement Manager at Oracle gave a brief history of sales enablement and what it entails, before detailing how best to approach sales training...
Members-only Sales Salespeople don't give a sh*t. Here's what you can do about it. I'm going to give you some areas that you can focus on to either help your team roll out a plan, that you should be focused on when implementing a training or going into some sort of presentation....
Members-only Sales Conversations not content: how sales enablement lost its way From observations on the changes in the role over the past ten years, to fantastic insights on how to get your reps hitting quota, Steve's masterful take on sales enablement is one to really sink your teeth into....
Members-only Sales Sales enablement scaled down: problems facing small startups Shilpa Prasad gave a great talk on the problems facing a small startup like hers, YouNoodle, in the context of sales enablement, sales leadership and the overall world of sales....
Members-only Sales Managing the change through enablement Stepping into a new sales enablement role is tough. Even if you'd had great successes in the past, one size certainly does not fit all. Kira Greer has a career spanning almost 20 years in sales roles. In that time, she's made some mistakes and shared them with us at the San Francisco SES....
Members-only Sales Establishing your sales enablement republic Bruce Campbell has built a Sales Republic. Speaking at the San Francisco SES, Bruce explained what is meant by that term, why he sees sales enablement in this context, and how he executed his very own sales enablement republic....
Members-only Sales Scaling sales enablement: a product marketing perspective Sapphire Reels took us through a case study and provided practical tips for scaling sales enablement to win the hearts of your sellers while driving the right value-selling behaviors....
Members-only Sales Drive more efficient sales through smarter sales enablement 'What is sales enablement?' Asked Scott King at the San Francisco SES. Not only asking what, Scott took us through specifically how to make sales enablement better at doing what it is supposed to do....
Members-only Sales From sales enablement to sales performance Sales performance is focused on transforming an entire organization to sell more, better....
Members-only Sales The dark arts of data: evolving from sales training to sales productivity We're going to step through why we should prioritize data and analytics, what we should be looking at and give you guys some actionable metrics that we can start to track....