If you’re looking to really crush it in the SaaS sector, we know you’re looking for…

  • An infinite resource for SaaS content
  • A place to exchange with fellow SaaS leaders
  • First dibs on professional opportunities within the SaaS space

Look no further than the Future of SaaS Slack community. Our members have already seen the unique benefits, but don’t just take it from us, take it from valued Future of SaaS member, Nicholas Gollop, an experienced RevOps expert. He joined the community looking to share his insights on the topic of RevOps.

A little bit of background on Nicholas Gollop

“I work in revenue operations, I'm Vice President of revenue operations, and essentially Rev. Ops. Rob, the idea behind rev Ops is to consolidate the operational teams for the revenue side of the business into one centralized leadership. So centralizing marketing operations, sales, ops, and CSO ops, all under one roof, and streamlining and optimizing internal and internal processes, but also making it more seamless for customers as well.”

What do you think is the biggest benefit of the Future of SaaS community?

“In terms of it’s topic areas, it's a very broad community, which  is good because you have  an eclectic mix of questions coming. The other communities that I'm part of primarily focused on revops, or specific areas of SaaS. But Future of SaaS seems to cater all aspects of a SaaS business’

Here at Future of SaaS, we know that holistic alignment is essential in order to have your organization firing on all cylinders. That’s why we offer channels for every major component of your SaaS org, including customer success, sales, marketing, and so much more!

Whatever your SaaS needs are, we’ve got the solution for you!

Tempted yet? Join our community of SaaS experts today, showcase your skills and elevate your skills to the next level!